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In Your Honor - The Foo Fighters.
The story goes that Dave Grohl wanted to undertake a side-project, and release an acoustic album as the soundtrack to a movie. Somewhere along the way, the plan changed, and so the double album In Your Honour was spawned, one side a “typically loud” Foo Fighters record, and the second disc a more mellow acoustic offering. The first track on disc one seems to me to be something of an overly long introduction, and didn’t leave me with a good first impression. However, once you get past this drawn out beginning, the album really begins to soar. It seems like the Foos are back at their bittersweet best, and I found myself with an album that I just want to listen to over and over again. You can’t do this yet though, as there is a ‘by this point much anticipated’ second disc to treat yourself to. The only problem is, I didn’t think it was that great. A couple of the tracks, Miracle and Cold Day In The Sun bear repeated listening, but as you plod through, see if you don’t really just wish you were listening to the loud cd. It’s OK, and worth it as a bonus disc, but I don’t think they took the opportunity to show us what they are capable of musically. Worth it for the first half alone though.

Favourite Song: Best of You

- e-p >> see previous records


The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.
I first read this story back in high school. I can't really remember why except that I had already read Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and enjoyed it, plus this looked rather short which I'm sure was appealing at the time. I've read it again since then and now this is probably my third or fourth reading of it. It's not that I like it so much that I have some need to read it repeatedly, but as it is so short and tells such an interesting story, I guess I've just felt the desire to pick it up again every so often. The case this time was that I was thinking about fishing for some reason and this book came to mind. I've always enjoyed fishing, the time spent alone over the water with your thoughts or chatting with a friend and not having to think about anything at all. This is indeed a very solitary story about fishing, where an old Cuban man has fished for many days without a catch and is thought of as having bad luck. But when his luck changes, he is the only one around to contend with it, and in many ways begins to feel an affinity towards his adversary and a oneness with it in their struggle. It is a simple story (I try not to give too much away in these little reviews even if most people have already read a book like this), but one that I have enjoyed many times, mainly because of the way Hemingway describes the scenes so completely and imbues the old man with a wisdom and earnestness that is difficult not to admire. Maybe it is because it is so simple that it can be so interesting, because so much in life, the seemingly simplest of things can have so much meaning to us.

- mike >> see previous reads



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write for last day of summer

past contributors:
brian keuski
shawn heacock
ryan dey


It feels good to sleep in. Sadly, I have no idea what that feels like since the slightest sun wakes me up! Instead, I nap all day long. I feel weird napping too much, as though I need to be productive. S'pose I should go into work now. After folding laundry

6.11.2006 written by Ben 2:19 PM | link & comment (0)

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